Bag Packing and Safe Trail Use

Before you head out to your favorite California State Park, there may be a few more things you should look into and consider bringing with you. Below we have compiled a short packing guide and safe trail–use resources to help you plan your next trip to a California State Park or Beach. California State Parks – Visit, Packing and Trail Guide Bring a personal set of PPE and cleaning supplies. Physical activity can […]
Planning Your Trip – Before You Go!

Are you a trip planner or do you go with the flow? I am definitely the planner type (even though most things never go according to plan). A trip to a local State Park or Beach these days may take more planning than a hop in the car, so we have compiled a short trip–planning guide and resources to make it easy. Stay at home if you […]
Visiting State Parks During the Pandemic: A Blog Toolkit

While the pandemic has temporarily taken away in-person classes, work, and social gatherings, but it hasn’t taken away our hope or the outdoors. California has a wealth of outdoors spaces that can still be enjoyed safely by the community. Here at Parks California, the team welcomes the renewed interest in California’s outdoor spaces as a place for health and healing. As California State Parks welcomes visitors, new and returning, we have collected a series of tips and resources that may help you enjoy State Parks safely. First, […]