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Visiting State Parks During the Pandemic: A Blog Toolkit

While the pandemic has temporarily taken away in-person classes, work, and social gatheringsbut it hasn’t taken away our hope or the outdoors.  

California has a wealth of outdoors spaces that can still be enjoyed safely by the communityHere at Parks California, the team welcomes the renewed interest in California’s outdoor spaces as a place for health and healing 

As California State Parks welcomes visitors, new and returningwe have collected a series of tips and resources that may help you enjoy State Parks safely.  

First, review state and local health and safety guidance 

As we approach a year from the beginning of the pandemic, it is extremely important to refresh our knowledge on pandemic health and safety guidance. Below are official sources on COVID-19 where you can review health and safety guidance from: 

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 
    • The CDC provides up to date information including how to protect yourself and others through detailed guidance and FAQs in engaging in any activities outside your home. It also provides information on how to protect yourself and others and social distance. 
  2. California Department of Public Health Guidance (CDPH) 
    • The CDPH publishes state specific information related to interpreting state procedures on COVID-19 statistics and testing as well as Orders from the State Public Health Officer. Here you can find the Blueprint for a Safer Economy framework and other detailed guidance documents. 
  3. California FOR All – COVID-19 California 
    • has updates and guidance from the governor’s office. Here you can find the reopening tier status of your county and allowed or restricted activities. 

Click here for part two about safe trip planning and part three about packing and trail use during the pandemic.