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Our 2022 Annual Report is now available.

Family-Friendly Outdoor Activities for Anywhere in California

Family-Friendly Outdoor Activities for Anywhere in California

The weather is getting warmer. The days are getting longer. Summer is almost here in California! 

With more than 280 state parks, finding a worthwhile adventure doesn’t have to mean spending multiple days on a camping trip or spending a ton of money on expensive equipment. There are plenty of places that can be simple day trips with the family – and there are many state parks that people don’t even know about!

As we begin to make our way back outside and into the parks, we want to share a few ideas for day trips to some of our favorite parks!

If you live in Northern California or the Bay area…

If you live in Central California…

If you live in Southern California…

  • Spend time connecting with nature and wildlife at Rio de Los Angeles State Park in Los Angeles. Here, you can enjoy a perfect family outdoor day with a picnic or walk on the trail.
  • Although this park is still partially open, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park ® in San Diego County is great for backpacking, camping or for a good picnic! If you’re trying to decide whether to stop by, check out our ParkSpeak event and virtual tour.
  • For our biking aficionados: Chino Hills State Park in Chino Hills has a great biking trail – which can also be used for hiking, walking, and even horseback riding!

The biggest thing to remember? Adventuring doesn’t have to be extreme – an adventure is whatever feels adventurous to you. 

If you’re looking for additional day trips to explore this summer, check out more state and urban parks in California here. To find more fun park adventures like these, sign up for our newsletter below!