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Our 2022 Annual Report is now available.

Celebrating Literacy at Candlestick Point State Recreation Area

By Veronica Silva-Miranda   

Carmen Bogan takes a photo of community members at the Where’s Rodney Celebration.

California State Parks and Parks California celebrated the installation of a storywalk at Candlestick Point SRA. Pages from the book Where’s Rodney by Carmen Bogan will be on display along the trails until March 2023. The storywalk is building upon the community’s interest to have an array of activities that foster a sense of community, celebrate joy, and promote health and connection with nature. In addition to the storywalk, park visitors can also visit the free little library located at the Candlestick Point SRA community garden.


On November 19, 2022, author Carmen Bogan joined the celebration by reading her book to many children and their families. All children received a signed copy of the book and participated in a scavenger hunt to earn more books. Local organizations also joined the fun and offered interactive activities for the participants. Thanks to the Magic Tooth Bus, Literacy for Environmental Justice, Save Nature, San Francisco Public Library, and local author Hayley Diep for being part of the celebration.

2023 will bring additional community programs to Candlestick Point SRA. In the meantime, visit the storywalk and spend some time in nature at San Francisco’s hidden gem, Candlestick Point State Recreation Area.




Left to right: Senior Park Aide Francesca Kocks, Parks California Community Engagement Coordinator Veronica Silva-Miranda, Author Carmen Bogan and California State Parks Director Armando Quintero.

A special thank you to Carmen Bogan for her partnership in bringing Where’s Rodney to Candlestick Point SRA, and to the park staff for their continued dedication to the community and park. They are the heart of Candlestick Point SRA.