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Celebrating Earth Day Together Everyday

At Parks California every day is Earth Day.  

We all play an important role in protecting the natural and diverse lands that make up the 280 California State Parks, but some members of our community have taken their role to the next level. Whether your California State Parks staff member or a new visitor, let’s do our part to enjoy and care for these places – both now and for generations to come.  

As you feel the cool spring breeze blowing in from the shoreline and watch the glowing sunrays dancing through the trees, take a moment to slow down and breath in the fragrant spring flowers. Clear your mind and focus your attention to the importance of preserving our magnificent planet that we lovingly (or affectionately) call Mother Earth. There is only one earth that provides all the natural resources needed to sustain life, so let’s make (or celebrate) everyday Earth Day!  

5 Fun facts about Earth Day 

  1. The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970 just over 51 years ago. 
  2. The first Earth Day was actively supported by 20 Million Americans.  
  3. Earth Day started as an American movement but quickly spread internationally to what is now called Mother Earth Day outside of America.  
  4. In 2009, NASA planted a historic Moon Tree” to celebrate Earth Day.  
  5. The 2021 Earth Day theme is Restore Our Earth