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Our 2022 Annual Report is now available.


Parks California Virtual Guided Tours Go Behind-the- Scenes at La Purisima Mission State Historic Park

  • Historic mission to be featured in ParkSpeak virtual series
  • Park experts to explore how early California meets the digital age through the history of La Purisima


A relic of California’s colonial past, La Purisima Mission State Historic Park will be the focus of a new virtual series, ParkSpeak. On Sept. 24, Parks California will connect community members across the state with a guided, behind-the-scenes tour exploring how the history of the mission and its surroundings connect with the modern world. During the guided tour, speakers will share the park’s unique colonial past, including the stories and challenges of the people who lived there as well as the crafts and technologies of the mission era.


Parks California is a statewide nonprofit with a mission to help strengthen state parks and inspire all to experience them. The organization created ParkSpeak to amplify important work happening between the California State Parks department, regional staff and local partners to enhance the park experience, provide equitable park access to youth and families, and restore connections between tribal communities and their native lands, among other noteworthy collaborations. Parks California aims to shed light on collaborations and special projects to lift the stories beyond park borders and highlight the caring, thoughtful approach required to protect and evolve so many special places statewide.


  • Kindley Walsh Lawlor, Parks California’s president and CEO
  • Greg Martin, Channel Coast District superintendent
  • Ann Boggess, La Purisima Mission State Historic Park interpreter
  • Sandi Montealegre-White, Prelado de los Tesoros representative


  • California State Parks interpreters and other park officials sharing stories from the Chumash ancestral land
  • Speakers answering questions from the audience during a live Q&A


  • La Purisima Mission State Historic Park – Thursday, Sept. 24, 6 p.m.
  • To reserve a spot for the guided Zoom tour, visit
  • Parks California will host a preview to the event on Facebook Live at 5:30 p.m.


  • Organization: Parks California
  • To coordinate Interviews: Contact Hector Zermeño, or 619-732-0789 x432
  • Links to use in your story:
    • ParkSpeakserieslandingpage
    • LaPurisimaMissionStateHistoricParkParkSpeakRSVPpage
    • LaPurisimaMissionStateHistoricParkFacebookeventpage


About Parks California

Parks California is a statewide nonprofit working to ensure state, regional, and local parks thrive. As statutory partner to California State Parks, Parks California has a simple mission – to help strengthen parks and inspire all to experience these extraordinary places. From redwood groves and desert springs to urban parks and lighthouses, the organization works with partners to steward these natural wonders and make California’s parks more welcoming, accessible and relevant to all visitors. For more information, please visit