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First Day Hikes 2024

California State Parks is proud to take part in ‘First Day Hikes’ hosting hikes across various parks throughout the state. Before attending, it’s important to gather all the necessary information. Some hikes may require dogs to be leashed, allowing you to enjoy the experience with your furry friends. However, be sure to check the specific park’s guidelines regarding pets. Additionally, confirm parking fees, and any other relevant details to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

One of the greatest benefits of participating in the ‘First Day Hikes’ event is the opportunity to reconnect with nature. Use this time to reflect on the year gone by and set intentions for the year ahead. Starting the year in nature can bring a sense of peace and rejuvenation, setting the tone for a positive and fulfilling year.

Whether you’re hiking on a well-marked trail or exploring off the beaten path, it’s crucial to take precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. First and foremost, make sure to dress appropriately for the weather conditions. Additionally, wearing proper hiking shoes will provide the necessary traction and support to navigate different terrains.

First Day Hikes began in Massachusetts in 1992 and has since become an annual tradition. The idea was conceived by Patrick Flynn, a former state park supervisor in Milton, Massachusetts. Since 2012, First Day Hikes have been organized in all 50 states and branded as America’s State Parks First Day Hikes. This initiative has gained international recognition, with Ontario Parks in Canada offering First Day Hikes starting in 2018.


Parks That Have Previously Participated:

Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park           Red Rock Canyon State Park

Anderson Marsh State Historic Park                         Clear Lake State Park

Saddleback Butte Peak Trail                                     Angel Island State Park

Mount Tamalpais State Park                                     Pacheco State Park

Hendy Woods State Park                                          Crystal Cove State Park

Cardiff State Beach                                                   Carpinteria State Park

Castle Rock State Park                                             Salt Point State Park

Seacliff State Beach                                                  Wilder Ranch State Park

Big Basin Redwoods State Park                               Año Nuevo State Park

& many more in different counties across the state!

To Learn more and view participating parks for First Day Hikes 2024, visit the California Parks website.