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Our 2022 Annual Report is now available.
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Help us make parks more welcoming, inclusive, and climate resilient!

Thank you for supporting Parks California or one of the Tour de Parks riders! You are here because someone you know participated in Tour de Parks to raise funds to scale our work across California’s 280 State Parks – the largest and most diverse state park system in the U.S.

We have an ambitious goal of raising $100,000+ through this ride, and we’ve received a leadership gift of $25,000 to get us there to support parks!

Your generous contribution will help us reach the finish line, and encourage those who pedaled for parks. You will help us ensure state parks are meeting the evolving needs of everyone – today and in the future.

Your financial help allows Parks California to build more park programs, including making parks more welcoming and inclusive, creating pathways to rewarding careers in parks for diverse candidates, and scaling innovative pilots to expand resource protection and climate resilience projects. Our goal: a stronger, more resilient state park system that benefits all communities.

Write the name of the rider you’re supporting in the comment box
The Tour
The grandeur and joy of the California Coast. Three distinct California State Parks. Blue skies, ocean breezes, and the changing landscape — from beach to wilderness. An extremely unique opportunity to look at the diverse work of parks, meet with leadership on the local and state levels, and experience a gorgeous section of California — all at the speed of bicycle and foot, with new friends, some riding or hiking this path for the first time. Thirty-three miles, one Saturday, from Half Moon Bay State Beach, via Pigeon Point State Historic Park to Ano Nuevo State Park.
Parks California

Parks California is the statutory non-profit partner of California State Parks, founded in 2019 with the mission to strengthen parks and help enable everyone to enjoy them. Working statewide, Parks California helps parks and their local partners steward the state’s natural and cultural resources, and ensure equitable access to these public treasures.

During this joy-filled adventure, participants got a look at park innovations – from stewarding historic and cultural treasures, to protecting marine habitat, to elevating the stories of under-represented communities, to reimagining parks for the future.

We need your support!
Whether you cycled, hiked, painted, or camped with us, or you’re donating to support someone who did, you are fueling our mission to make state parks more welcoming, inclusive and climate resilient. We believe all people deserve to experience the wonders of nature, feel a sense of belonging in parks, and become lifelong stewards of these incredible places. Spending time in nature is good for our health, the well being of our communities, and helps us create meaningful connections with each other and with California’s unique biodiversity. Yet, California’s state parks are not equally accessible to everyone and face tremendous threats from climate change. We need your support to ensure that everyone can develop a personal connection with nature and become caretakers of these important places. Funds raised through this event will benefit California’s 280 State Parks – the largest and most diverse state park system in the U.S. – and all those who visit them.
If you want to learn more about Tour De Parks, or get involved and support Parks California, please contact:
Michael Bridges
Development Director